Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Scooter Scooter

Room One completed many fun activities for their Inquiry Unit on Transport. We went on trips to MOTAT and the Observatory. We made models and sung songs all about different types of transport.
Our artwork was making great prints on all sorts of different transport models. We also used paints and mosaic pictures. We wrote and read many transport stories. We even added cars and trucks to answer mathematical problems.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Writing Descriptions

Now that Spring is here we have been looking at flowers and writing about flowers.

We made some Daffodils for daffodil day and we have displayed them in our room.

We have written descriptions about daffodils,carnations and irises.

Daffodils  Irises and Carnations
Daffodils have oval shaped petals with a dark green and light green stem. It smells good and has a browny leaf at the toop of the stem. Irises have bendy leaves that are thin and sharp. They have purple blue petals and yellow insides. Carnations smell sweet like perfume. They have red bright pinky red petals all twisted petals

Daffodils by Trent
Daffodils have yellow petals and they smell of grass. The petals have a frilly yellow edge. It has a browny leaf at the top of the stem.
Irises by Trent             
Irises have a long sharp end and the petals are purple and yellow and the top of the stem theres a green cover up to its petals.

Daffodils smell sweet and they are like grass and have a light green stem The petals have a frilly yellow edge and a browny leaf at the top. Irises have bendy leaves that are thin and sharp. They have purple blue petals and yellow inside. Carnations smell sweet like perfume. They have red bright pinky red petals all twisted into sections with a bendy stem.