Monday, 18 June 2012

Sunflower Seed Loaf

We made some big loaves of bread as well as our buns. We put seeds and pumpkin seeds on the top.


  1. Plessius family21 June 2012 at 12:35

    Hi Room 1,
    I hope you enjoyed your bread with pumpkin seeds on top. IF you start with a basic bread mix (white or brown to be even healthier) then you can change it simply just by adding some different seeds on top - pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppyseed.
    I made brown bread for our dinner on Tuesday - with pumpkin soup - yummy!
    Tsana (Robin & Karl's mum)

  2. Bread is healthy for you and I hope you enjoyed it because it looks delicious and is tasty too.

  3. Wow looks really cool. It also looks really fun to make.
