Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Our Creations on Moviemaker

Loooooook at our great movie on the creations we made. We wrote fabulous stories about how we put our machine together and the simple parts and mechanisms we used. We were able to answer our Inquiry Questions

My See-saw by Tui
I used blocks, square pieces and rectangles.

A Ramp by Tangimetua
I used a big block. I used an axle. I used little blocks.

An Aeroplane in the Sun
I used blocks and flat planes. This is an aeroplane in the sky and I see the sun.

I made a Truck by Sioeli
I made a truck. I used wheels, blocks and a hook. I used more wheels and blades. I used a pulley too.

My See-saw by Francesca
 My see-saw has blocks

People by Mele
 First I put in the square and next I put in the peopleand second I put in the chairs.

1 comment:

  1. Room One I love your work about movie maker

    I Love your work
